Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Database Assistant - UN-HABITAT

FUNCTIONAL TITLE: Database Assistant
CLOSING DATE: 31 March 2015


The Global Urban Observatory (GUO) coordinates the Monitoring of the Habitat Agenda and the Millennium Development Goals as well as the implementation of the Agency Strategic and Institutional Plans such as the Medium-Term Strategic and Institutional Plan (MTSIP) for 2014-2019. GUO coordinates all activities pertaining to the production of reliable and up-to-date urban indicators at regional, country and city levels, including slum settlements that address the challenges of rapid urbanization and human settlements issues in the world.

The strategy of GUO is to both address the immediate demands for monitoring, while developing systems and capacity for medium and long term needs. GUO addresses the sub-national information needs through two programmes on monitoring the Habitat Agenda and the MDGs, the Urban Indicators Programme (UIP), and the Monitoring Urban Inequities Programme (MUIP).

GUO is in charge of preparing indicators for the new priority areas- Urban Planning, Urban Legislation and Urban Economy. In order to strengthen alignment and cohesion of the global urban indicators programme in respect with the new priority areas, the Global Urban Observatory Section is preparing a new strategic approach of data collection. The new approach pursues a two-pronged strategy. First, to continue with the established programmes for the Habitat Agenda and the MDGs on collecting and reporting on official city statistics by reforming the Urban Indicators Programme (UIP); Two, to branch out into new directions to better address the monitoring of Urban Planning, Urban Economy and Urban Legislation.

GUO is setting up a long-term global monitoring system that provides reliable, credible and internationally comparable data for the new priority areas. The system will pursue two main goals: 1) to deepen and broaden the understanding of urban planning, urban economy and urban legislation; 2) to strengthen global, national and local capacities to collect and analyze urban indicators at the people, land and policy levels. All will be integrated to the existing global monitoring system of the Habitat Agenda and the MDGs. The Urban Info software, an integrated population-GIS system developed by GUO in 2006 will be further strengthened.

Activities for the Urban Indicators Programme of the GUO (6 months)

Output One: Update shelter, social, economic and environmental indicators

• Compile and process data on the indicators of water, sanitation, solid waste, housing, malnutrition,health, education, air quality and energy using available primary data sources like DHS, MICS, CENSUS, LSMS and other sources compliant with GUO standards.
• Produce data tables from SPSS in compliant with GUO standards.

Output Two: Production of UrbanInfo Database System-Upgrade

• Edit/prepare/adapt tables into UrbanInfo format.
• Maintain the database metadata (definitions of indicators, classifications, etc.) according to agreed standards.
• Production of a revised UrbanInfo Database System.

Output Three: Production of statistical data tables for 2014 (WCR 2014)

• Preparation of WCR 2014 in printable format and production of tables.
• Production of tables on water, sanitation, solid waste, housing, health and education using available
primary data sources like DHS, MICS, CENSUS, LSMS and other sources.

The above activities will be conducted under the direct supervision of UrbanInfo Database Administrator and Statistician.

COMPETENCIES (maximum of five)
Experience in data management using DevInfo/UrbanInfo or similar software.


The candidate will have a Diploma in Information Technology and at least 5 years of experience in data management using DevInfo/UrbanInfo or similar software. Previous UN experience in data processing or related area is an added advantage.


At least 5 years of experience in data management using DevInfo/UrbanInfo or similar software. Previous UN experience in data processing or related area is an added advantage.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, high proficiency in written and spoken English is essential.

Knowledge of another official United Nations Language is an advantage.


Payments will be based on deliverables over the consultancy period. There are set remuneration rates for consultancies. The rate is determined by functions performed and experience of the consultant. The fees will be paid as per agreement.

Applications should include:

• Cover memo (maximum 1 page)
• CV in the PHP format, accessible through the INSPIRA website ( Please note, if using INSPIRA for the first time, you need to register in order to activate your account, which will allow you to log in and create a personal History Profile.
• The PHP should be attached to the application as a PDF file.
• Summary CV (maximum 2 pages), indicating the following information:

1. Educational Background (incl. dates)
2. Professional Experience (assignments, tasks, achievements, duration by years/ months)
3. Other Experience and Expertise (e.g. Internships/ voluntary work, etc.)
4. Expertise and preferences regarding location of potential assignments
5. Expectations regarding remuneration

• Cover memo (maximum 1 page)

Please also be advised that since April 15th 2010, applicants for consultancies must be part of the UN-HABITAT e-Roster in order for their application to be considered. You can reach the e-Roster through the following link:

All applications should be submitted to:

Ms. Beatrice Bazanye
P.O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Deadline for applications:31 March 2015

UN-HABITAT does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact:

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