Young Professionals: Nile Water Resources Atlas and Integrated Knowledge Portal
The Water Resources Management Department of the Nile Secretariat is planning to engage interns during the period 15th March 2015 through 15th June 2015. Applications should be received by 22nd February 2015. Applications should be supported by 3 - 5 pages technical proposal that demonstrates how the young professional expertise as well as personal experience would fit within the identified areas of engagement, comments on the TORs, and proposed methodology or approach. Up to date CV should be also enclosed. The announced internship covers the following areas:
" Integrated Knowledge Portal (IKP), NBI Information System (Nile IS) and intranet (ToRs Attached).
" Nile Water Resources Atlas and TigerNet Water Observation and Information System. (ToRs Attached).
" Integrated Knowledge Portal (IKP), NBI Information System (Nile IS) and intranet (ToRs Attached).
" Nile Water Resources Atlas and TigerNet Water Observation and Information System. (ToRs Attached).
Young Professional (Intern) is a first-degree University graduate (not more than 5 years since graduation) with high academic standing, an outstanding graduate-level student, a graduate with a Master's or a PhD Degree, highly motivated, and talented. Applicants should be under thirty-two (32) years of age.
Interested applicants should send their applications by E-mail to
Interested applicants should send their applications by E-mail to
For further details or inquiries please contact Dr. Mohsen Alarabawy ( or Ms. Edith Mbonye (
This advertisement is strictly open to citizens of the Nile Basin Countries. Only applicants from the ten (10) NBI Member States will be considered.
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