Thursday, February 12, 2015


  • Grade: TA
  • Position N°: NA
  • Reference: ADB/15/013
  • Publication date: 10/02/2015
  • Closing date: 02/03/2015


The Transition Support Department (ORTS), was established in September 2013, with the upgrading of the Fragile States Unit (2008) and is located within the Country and Regional Policies and Programs Vice Presidency (ORVP). The Department is responsible for leading and coordinating the Bank-wide program of enhanced engagement in countries and regions affected by fragility and conflict. Enacted engagement and support to such countries and regions is one of the core business mandates of the Bank Group as identified in the Ten Year Strategy (2013-2022) and in the Bank Group Strategy for Addressing Fragility and Building Resilience in Africa (2014-2019). The Department also administers the Bank Group's Transition Support Facility (TSF, formerly Fragile States Facility), which was established in 2008 as an operationally autonomous, special purpose financing entity with three grant financing windows. The TSF provides supplemental support for eligible states and regional organizations, resources for arrears clearance operations and targeted capacity building institutional development assistance. ORTS.2 will lead and/or coordinate the Department's work on policies and strategies, knowledge generation and dissemination, staff capacity building on issues of fragility and organizational learning, and effective partnerships and resource mobilization with a view to enhance the Bank's strategic role in fragile and conflict affected countries and regions.
The primary objective of the Fragile States Technical Assistant is to assist the Bank Group to play a leadership role and more effectively support Africa's fragile states to transit out of fragility, help prevent countries at risk of slippage and to assist post-crisis and post-conflict states move forward towards more stable political and economic development, through approaches that are grounded in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) Principles of Good International Engagement in Fragile States and Situations, and the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States.

Duties and responsibilities

Under the overall guidance of the ORTS.2 Manager and/or ORTS Director, the incumbent will:
  • Provide guidance/inputs and analysis on dimensions of state/regional fragility, conflict and justice and security sector reforms (at country, sector and regional levels) and how to target support to addressing its root causes through institutional development, governance reforms etc. and measure impact / progress of Bank Group interventions;
  • Work with partner institutions to ensure that peace-building activities that complement the Bank Group core mandates and areas of expertise are sufficiently dealt with in order to help clients comprehensively address the roots causes of fragility and avoid slippage in the peace- and state-building process;
  • Carry out relevant Economic and Sector Work (ESW), focusing on issues of state fragility, peace-building and state-building in the context of the New Deal;
  • Reviews and provide strategic inputs in preparation of Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) for assigned countries, based on the RMCs' Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and existing peace-building and state-building goals (PSGs), as well as Regional Integration Strategy Papers;
  • Provide guidance to country teams preparing programming documents for fragile states, and supporting the development of various guidelines, procedures and policies, as well as share insights, knowledge and skills with other staff, as necessary;
  • Contribute to the elaboration of Results, Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks, and monitor implementation progress of the Bank's portfolio with regard to PSGs and assess AfDB's contribution in this regard, in collaboration with the Sector Departments and Regional Departments;
  • Maintain effective internal and external Communication to ensure a coordinated approach in the implementation of the Bank's fragile states strategy and operational support;
  • Conduct and/or coordinate periodic training activities on state fragility to build capacity of AfDB staff and counterparts in fragile states especially on new approaches, procedures and techniques that take into consideration latest findings on state fragility;
  • Assist ORTS in strengthening its strategic partnerships and resource mobilization, especially with the aim of increasing knowledge, strengthening aid coordination activities with bilateral and multilateral donors, and promoting the co-financing of projects and programs;
  • Participate in the preparation of the ORTS work program, and preparation of annual and other periodic programs and briefs on economic developments, reforms and institutional support programs;
  • Undertake any other assignments and tasks as requested by the Manager ORFS2, Director ORTS and/or the Vice President ORVP. Such assignments may involve working with Bank teams and/or staff within or outside ORTS Department.

Selection Criteria

  • At least a Master's degree or its equivalent in economics, public policy or other related fields;
  • At least ten (10) years of relevant professional experience in a development oriented institution;
  • Demonstrated understanding and familiarity with Africa's post-conflict recovery and development challenges and effective strategies and approaches for peace- and state-building;
  • Experience in policy development and implementation in relation to the dynamics and challenges of peace-building and state-building in Africa and in promoting and applying governance practices through alignment with national development strategies;
  • Ability to communicate and defend orally and in writing difficult issues and positions to senior Bank management, government officials, etc.;
  • Knowledge of ICT and competence in the use of standard computer software applications (word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint);
  • Fluency in English or French, with a working knowledge of the other language. Fluency in both languages preferred.

This position is not a regular staff position of the African Development Bank. The position is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is limited to a two year contract and managed under the agreement between the Bank and SDC.

Apply online

To apply for this position, you need to be national of one of AfDB member countries.
  • Submitted by: Division Manager, CHRM.1
  • Approved by: Director, CHRM

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