Thursday, February 26, 2015

Consumer Advocacy and Education Officer - Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority

Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority Consumer Consultative Council is established under
Section 50 of The Civil Aviation Act, Chapter 80 of the Laws R.E 2006. The primary objective of the Council is to safeguard the interests of consumers of regulated civil aviation goods and services in Tanzania.
The functions of the Council indude:-
Representing the interests of Consumers by making submissions to, providing views and information to and consulting with the Authority and the Minister responsible for air transportation matters.
Receiving and disseminating information and views on matters of interest to consumers of regulated goods and services.

Consulting with industry; government and other consumer groups on matters of interests to consumers of regulated goods and services.

Establishing regional consumer committees and consult with them. In order to continue to meet its strategic objectives, the Council seeks to employ a competent, self motivated and committed candidate to fill the following vacant position:


To spearhead the implementation of the Communication Strategy including monitoring and evaluation of its performance
To develop and monitor Consumer Advocacy and Education programs for the Council.
To develop well organized publicity activities and awareness creation programmes for both business community and the travelling public.
To co-ordinate outreach programs and activities of Regional Consumer Committees established by the Council in different Regions in Tanzania.
To organize awareness creation programmes on consumer rights and obligations according to the needs of the Council.
To ensure efficient and proper responses to written enquiries and complaints from consumers and the general public.
To carry out research on various consumers related issues such as fares, various charges and quality of services.
To perform any other duties and responsibilities as instructed by the Council.

Holder of Bachelor's Degree in Transport and Logistics, Education, Business
Administration, Mass Communication/ Journalism, Law, or any other related field from a recognized university.
At least three (3) years working experience in relevant field.
Knowledge of air transport sector
- iv. Must be computer literate.
Good communication and interpersonal skills.
Self motivated with integrity, assertiveness and ability to work under minimum supervision.
Terms of Employment: 5 years contract renewable on the basis of performance


Interested candidates who meet minimum qualifications and experience should submit an application letter to the undersigned. The application letter should be accompanied by detailed CV, Certified Certificates and names and contact of three professional referees with their postal addresses and telephone numbers not later than 14 days from the date of the first publication of this advertisement in newspapers and addressed to:
The Executive Secretary
TCAA Consumer Consultative Council
PPF House, 7th floor,
SamoralMorogoro road,
P. o. Box 12242, Dar es Salaam.
Applicants are requested to arrange for their own transport and accommodation expenses relating to attendance of the interview. Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

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