Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Administrative and Finance Coordinator

Administrative and Finance Coordinator
Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.
Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.
Through its Emergency Response Department (ERD), the organization is committed to:
 Provide an adequate response to major natural disaster and conflict situations, anywhere in the world as much as possible within 72 hours;
 Provide assistance to vulnerable groups (refugees, IDPs, persons with injuries, elders, children, etc.) affected by a crisis and maximize the number of beneficiaries. Within vulnerable groups, target especially PwD and meet their specific needs;
 Constantly monitor chronic crises and/or conflicts to ensure preparedness for and rapid response to eventual emerging needs.
For more details on the association:
Directly linked to the Emergency Response Department of Handicap International France, the expatriate will be mandated for the following mission
Under the direct responsibility of the Head of Mission, and with the support of the financial department at HQ level, you will be responsible for:
 Ensure that local legislation is respected and that a legal framework is established;
 Maintain and develop the administrative organisation and operating framework: administrative management, management of contracts, etc.;
 Ensure the good use of funds according to HI and donor guidelines;
 Centralize the accountancy, control all the budget affectation end ensure financial follow up of programs;
 Responsible of financial reporting to the headquarter on monthly basis;
 Ensure proper administrative management of human resources: HR policy, recruitment, administrative management of staff, training management, supervise the administrative staff;
 In charge of negotiation and relationship with local and administrative authorities;
 Acting Head of Mission upon request.
 You are direct interlocutor of Handicap International towards local authorities, for all issue related to administration and finance;
 You participate actively to admin coordination and information meetings (NGO coordination, etc.);
 Guarantee the application of all administrative, financial and budgetary procedures on the project;
 Implement administrative and monitoring tools, the reporting and the administrative capitalisation (ex: score board);
 File and forward all the documents to the headquarters on monthly basis;
 Respect the deadlines setup by the HQ Finance department;
 Follow the filing system and all the mission's archives (hard and soft copies);
 Write down and follow lease agreements for the infrastructures rental;
 Validation of other provision contracts (rental, service, etc.) at the administrative level;
 Make proposals to the log, HQ, for the implementation and the improvement of administrative, financial and budgetary procedures of the mission;
 Preparing audit (files….) for the Ngo Office at the end the project.
 Validate spending commitments and mission's purchase forecasts;
 Supervise current financial operations and their appropriate execution implementation;
 Ensure specific bank procedure and relative documentation;
 Ensure the good-kept of cash book and advance forms;
 Make connections between treasury accounts, cash flow and bank account on regular basis (defined by HQ);
 Draw up monthly and cash flow forecast schedule in accordance with the different departments;
 Provide the Head of Mission and the headquarters with a continue visibility about cash flows;
 Monitor and control current advances and accountancy allocations;
 Update the accountancy on the ALPAK software;
 Report on his/her own to the Head of Mission and HQ Finance Department, any difficulty about the implementation of accountancy procedures.
 Ensure monthly budgetary monitoring of projects;
 Prepare financial documents for Donors;
 Know and use Donors' reference guidelines;
 Control monthly and forecast budget and make connections with current activities (create relative documentation);
 Follow and correct budget allocations of the projects;
 Take part in files set up in order to draw up financial reports (intermediate and final), amendment requests and contractual files;
 Regularly forward a statement of expenditure and consummation of budget lines to the Program Manager and the whole team of the projects; and contribute to its analysis;
 Contribute together with the head of mission to the development of budgets for proposals submitted to donors in order to implement new projects.
 Train newly arrived expatriates to the administrative and the financial procedures of the mission;
 Follow up administrative management of the expatriates: visas, plane tickets, recording, movement slip, ask of advances on allowances and breaks;
 Set up and update information mission document intended for expatriates.
 Set up individual files for all the staff contracted on the mission;
 Draw up employment agreements and HI internal rules in accordance with the country labour law and submit them to the HQ Finance Department before their implementation on the mission;
 Register the staff with the different authorities and pay compulsory taxes (National Health Service, Health and Safety Inspection, Income taxes, etc.);
 Ensure that local legislation is respected in all the recruitment and contracts break down procedures, for all the national staff;
 Respect of HR management tools (wage scales, internal rules…) and make proposals for their improvement.
 You ensure strict application and respect of the Internal Regulation by your related staff. The IR could be modify/adjust to the specific context of the mission (security, social life, leaves, etc.);
 You define, with each member of your staff, his action plan and delay for reaching defined goals (IAP);
 You support and advise your team in the implementation of their IAP;
 You ensure feed back towards your team about issues potentially raised by them;
 You ensure a good communication – coordination – information level of each member of your team through regular coordination meetings (or other if needed);
 You are concerned and aware on the personal and professional evolution of each member of your staff, and its development within the mission : individual interviews, oral and written evaluations;
 You ensure conflict resolution (personal and professional) within your team and inform the head of mission;
 You propose relevant needed adaptation to the organisational chart of the mission and contribute to its implementation (job descriptions, etc.), in collaboration with the head of mission;
 You support your staff in their management duty: coordination meetings, individual interviews, etc.
 Participate to the monthly situation report (SITREP) by providing relevant data related to your position;
 Provide regular reporting on your activities to the Head of Mission upon his/her solicitation (coordination meeting, workshop meeting, etc.);
 You provide the desk officer with a mission report and/or handover document at the end of your contract;
 Debriefing at HQ at the end of your mission (and during Home-Break).
At least 7 years of professional experience
At least 3 years of professional experience in humanitarian context, preferably in emergency
Previous Coordination experience is mandatory
Proven training and local capacity building experience
English mandatory
Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
Ability to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisation
Diplomacy sense
Living conditions: comfortable guesthouse shared with other expatriates (no charges)
Security conditions: depending on location
Social insurance: 100% covered
Status: voluntary or salaried contract according to experience
Remuneration: depending on experience
Duration: 6 to 12 months


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