Thursday, November 27, 2014

Budget Advisers – SMEC International Pty Ltd

Budget Advisers – SMEC International Pty Ltd
Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG) Consulting Opportunities in Indonesia – Jakarta
Budget Advisers – Several Positions
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance (AIPEG) is an Australian Government-funded project assisting Indonesia to undertake economic and financial policy reforms. SMEC International, the Managing Contractor, is seeking applications for several positions in the field of Public Financial Management. The positions are:
  • Budget Policy Adviser;
  • Budget Frameworks Adviser;
  • Budget Operations Adviser; and
  • Budget Reform Implementation Adviser.
The appointments are long term to 30 November 2015, with possibility of extension.
The Advisers will support the Government of Indonesia (GOI) on a variety of planning, budgeting and implementation issues. The Budget Policy, Budget Frameworks and Budget Operations Advisers will work primarily with the Ministry of Finance and the National Development Planning Ministry to assist with reforms to the budget framework and processes, as well as provide advice on how the quality of spending could be improved. Meanwhile the Budget Reform Implementation Adviser will work with selected line ministries to assist with the implementation of planning and budgeting reforms within those ministries.
The successful candidates will be expected to have significant experience, appropriate qualifications, skills and attributes relevant for undertaking the above roles in the field of public financial management. More specifically, the Advisers should be able to demonstrate the following qualifications, skills, attributes and personal qualities:
Selection Criteria
Qualifications and experience:
  • Minimum Bachelor degree in a relevant field such as economics, public administration, law, public financial management, accounting, or political science (relevant post-graduate qualifications are highly desirable);
  • At least 5 years' experience in, and significant technical knowledge of, public financial management. Ideally candidates will have worked for a Ministry of Finance (or equivalent) in a government with an advanced budget framework (i.e. one that employs performance budgeting and a medium term expenditure framework);
  • Strong financial and public policy analysis skills;
  • Familiarity with public sector financial management IT systems and Microsoft Office software, particularly Excel; and
  • Ability to develop strategies, approaches and work plans for development partner assistance.
  • Experience working with the Government of Indonesia on public financial management issues.
Personal attributes:
  • Strong relationship management skills, particularly in dealing with senior government officials;
  • Ability to operate effectively and sensitively in a cross-cultural environment;
  • High level communication skills and ability in written and spoken English; and
  • Strong personal drive, initiative and a desire for continuous improvement.
  • Experience working in Indonesia or South East Asia; and
  • Proficiency in Bahasa Indonesia.
A copy of the specific Terms of References (TORs) for each position may be obtained by writing to or downloaded from While candidates may express a preference for a particular role in their application, successful candidates will be considered for all positions.
Applicants should submit a CV and a written response which clearly addresses the selection criteria above using the forms that are attached in the TORs to: no later than 11.59 PM on Sunday, 14 December 2014, Jakarta time.
Please put the position title "Budget Advisers – several positions" as the subject of your email.
Note: Candidates must be available for interview 16 - 17 December 2014. Candidates short‑listed for interview may also be required to complete a written exercise – details will be provided prior to interview.
Failure to submit the complete set of applications may result in your application being rejected.
The remuneration will be set within the Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF) which can be found on the DFAT website ( Remuneration may be set up to a level of Discipline Group D, Level 4, depending on the adviser's skills and experience.
Selection will be made in accordance with Australian Commonwealth Procurement Rules.
Australian Aid – managed by SMEC International on behalf of the Australian Government

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