Friday, November 28, 2014


The University of Dodoma invites applications from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill the following positions.

11.              POSITION: ARTISAN II (1 Positions) POSS 3

Required qualifications
Secondary Education Certificates with Trade Test Grade III/level I with at least three years working experience in related field.

Basic Duties
Performs with minimum supervision-large technical jobs requiring high level of skills/craftsmanship 


i.           All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania.
ii.           Applicants must be less that 45 Years i.e. they are must be born after 1st January 1970.
iii.           They must attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contact postal address, e-mail address and telephone numbers.
iv.           They must attach dully filled and sealed referee report forms attached as Annex I.
v.           Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in this advertisement
vi.           The title of the position applied for should be written in the subject of the application letter and marked on the envelope; short of which will make the application invalid.
vii.           Applicants must attach their relevant certified copies of Academic/Professional certificates i.e. Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates and transcripts; National Form IV and Form VI Examination Certificates; Computer Certificate; Professional certificates from respective boards; One recent passport size picture and birth certificate.
viii.           Form IV and VI results slips, Testimonials and Partial transcripts are strictly not accepted.
ix.           Applicants employed by public institutions must route their application letters through their respective employers.
x.           Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU).
xi.           Women are highly encouraged to apply.

xii.           Application letters should be written in English.
xiii.           Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview.

xiv.           Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will necessitate to legal action.


Complete application package that consists of application letter supported with detailed Curriculum Vitae, relevant copies of certificates i.e. Degree/Diploma certificates /testimonials, academic transcripts plus Secondary School Certificates and dully filled referee report form should be submitted to:


DEADLINE: 8th December, 2014

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