Tuesday, October 7, 2014

AJIRA Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited - 10/7/2014

AJIRA Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited - 10/7/2014
Sales Vacancies

Our group company, A-One Products and Bottlers Limited, having recently launched a range of carbonated drinks (soda) – Mo Cola, Portello, Mo Chungwa, Mo Embe, Mo Bomba, Mo Lemon, Mo Mint and two flavours of Mo Malt, are looking for young and bright candidates for our sales team in various Branches Offices.

Divisional Managers (Arusha, Mwanza, Mbeya)

Will be responsible for sales in multiple branches and will lead teams of Sales Supervisors, Salesmen, and driver-salesmen. Preferably a university graduate with about 15 years' experience in selling leading brands of soda drinks in cities and upcountry markets – towns and villages.

Sales Supervisors (Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Moshi, Tanga, Dodoma, Singida, Igunga, Manyoni, Mbeya, Kyela, Morogoro, Mwanza, Musoma, Shinyanga, Tabora, Kigoma, Bukoba, Mjombe / Makambako, Songea, Iringa / Mafinga / Ilula, Lindi / Masasi / Mtwara, and Ifakara)

Their job will be to develop new markets, get orders, ensure supplies, and improve sales through efficient customer service and proper merchandising. Preferably diploma-holders, with about 5 years' experience in selling leading brands of soda drinks in upcountry markets – towns and villages.

Applicants will be required to furnish references from renowned people of their locality.

Please e-mail your CV within 15 days of this publication mentioning the post applied for in the subject line to recruitment@metl.net or post it to

National Recruitment Cell

Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited

P.O. Box 20660, Dar es Salaam

Contact : 0715543608, 0765580073, 0682753764

Nafasi za kazi ya Mauzo

Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Moshi, Tanga, Dodoma, Singida, Igunga, Manyoni, Mbeya, Kyela, Morogoro, Mwanza, Musoma, Shinyanga, Tabora, Kigoma, Bukoba, Mjombe / Makambako, Songea, Iringa / Mafinga / Ilula, Lindi / Masasi / Mtwara, and Ifakara

Moja ya kampuni yetu, A-One Products and Bottlers Limited imeanzisha uzalishaji na mauzo ya bidhaa za vinywaji vya Soda - ambavyo ni Mo Cola, Portello, Mo Chungwa, Mo Embe, Mo Bomba, Mo Lemon, Mo Mint na aina mbili ya ladha Mo Malta. Tunahitaji watu wenye ujuzi na uaminifu kwa ajili ya kuendesha shughuli za mauzo kwenye matawi yetu.

Afisa - Masoka (Sales Supervisors)

Afisa masoko wote watakuwa na jukumu la kuchukua oda zote, kusimamia usambazaji wa bidhaa kwenda kwa wateja husika, na kuongeza na kupanua mauzo kwa kutumia njia za kiufasaha na kiutaalamu na ubunifu za kuwahudumia wateja awe na elimu kuanzia Diploma na uzoefu wa miaka mitano katika mauzo ya bidhaa aina ya vinywaji katika miji mikubwa, miji midogo ,na vijiji katika eneo lake la kazi.

Wauzaji (Salemen / Salesgirls)

Kazi kubwa ni kuwahudumia wateja wote kulingana na mpangiliowa kazi na taratibu zitakazowekwa na kiongozi wake, awe anajua kusoma na kuandika anaujuzi wa miaka 2-3 katika mauzo ya bidhaa aina ya vinywaji vinavyotambulika nchini katika miji mikubwa, miji midogo na vijiji katika eneo lake la kazi.

Madereva (Drivers)

Awe ana ujuzi wa kuendesha gari na leseni hai inayomruhusu kuendesha gari na uzoefu usiopungua miaka mitatu. Awe anafahamu vizuri maeneo yote ya miji mikubwa, miji midogo na vijiji katika eneo lake la kazi

Mwombaji atatakiwa awe na wathamini wawili ambao itabidi wawe watu wanaofahamika na kupatikana iwapo Kampuni itawahitaji.

Tuma CV yako ndani ya siku 15 ya tangazo hili kupitia recruitment@metl.net au kwenye anwani iliyopo chini

National Recruitment Cell

Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited

P.O. Box 20660,Dares Salaam

Contact : 0715543608, 0765580073, 0682753764

Advocates Required

A multi-billion dollar industrial house is looking for young, dynamic, and result-oriented ADVOCATES who can appear in District Court and High Court, and in Housing Tribunals in corporate law, civil and land matters. The advocates should have at least 5 years' of successful litigation experience and should be willing to travel on short notices. Experience in corporate governance will be of added advantage.

Please e-mail your CV within 15 days of this publication to advrecruit@metl.net or post it to:

National Recruitment Cell

Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited

P.O. Box 20660, Dar es Salaam

Contact : 0715543608, 0765580073, 0682753764

Production /Maintenance Engineers 
Responsible for production/maintenance of high speed carbonated drink lines.
Candidates should possess Diploma in Engineering with 5-10 years' experience in
operations / maintenance in Blowing, Filling, Labelling, Packaging equipment and
Utilities in any reputed carbonated beverage industry preferably running on
Techlong machinery.

Shop-Floor Supervisors
Supervise materials and machine operators to achieve production targets, quality
standards and maintain good housekeeping. Persons should have 5 - 10 years'
experience as Supervisors in a reputed manufacturing organisation/s.

Chiller Technicians
Responsible for operation and maintenance of chillers, cooling towers and pumps and
preparation of monthly reports. Candidates should have Diploma in Refrigeration or
Mechanical Engineering and 5 - 10 years of similar experience.

Chinese Interpretor
To facilitate written and spoken communication with Chinese speaking people.
Should be fluent in Swahili, English, and Chinese languages.

Please e-mail your CV within 15 days of this publication mentioning the position in
the subject line to csdrecruit@metl.netor post it to
National Recruitment Cell
Mohammed Enterprises (Tanzania) Limited
P.O. Box 20660, Dar es Salaam
Contact : 0715543608, 0765580073, 0682753764

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