Friday, September 12, 2014

Country Programme Director

Country Programme Director
The International Growth Centre (IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research. The IGC directs a global network of world-class researchers in economics, political economy and related disciplines, and a set of 15 country teams across Africa and Asia.   Based at LSE and in partnership with the University of Oxford, the IGC is initiated and funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). IGC's current partner countries include Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Liberia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. 
The Country Programme Director leads the country-level engagement and policy impact of the IGC and ensures the effective management of the country teams. S/he drives the country-level implementation of the IGC's collaborative approach to knowledge generation and policy influence, responsible for setting priorities and funding levels, implementing robust systems, ensuring good communication across countries and, in particular, managing the work of the Country Directors, including overseeing the development and implementation of country strategies, country budgets, work plans and reporting. S/he is a member of the IGC Senior Management Team, working with colleagues in a broad range of areas, including strategic planning, engaging with external institutions and generating new opportunities for policy impact in our partner countries and in global debates. 
The successful applicant will have
  • a masters or higher degree in Economics or a related discipline,
  • proven leadership skills in an international and multicultural organisation,
  • experience in programme and project management in a developing country setting,
  • extensive experience working with policy makers and researchers in a variety of countries,
  • enthusiasm for connecting frontier economic research to policy making, and
  • demonstrated ability to convey research findings and policy lessons to policy stakeholders at national and international levels 
This is a full-time position based in the IGC Head Office located within LSE, in central London, though regular international travel will be required.  
To apply, please go to and select "Vacancies".
To find out more about the IGC please go to
Closing date for receipt of applications is: 23:59 hours (GMT) on Thursday 23rd October 2014.
We value diversity and wish to promote equality at all levels

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