Friday, August 1, 2014

Mid Term Evaluation of the GNPD Program, American Red Cross, Haiti

Mid Term Evaluation of the GNPD Program, American Red Cross, Haiti
1.1. Background and Objectives of the Project
On January 12th, 2010, shortly before 5.00pm, a 7.0 earthquake – one of the most powerful to hit Haiti in over 200 year's struck 10miles southwest of heavily populated Port-au-Prince. The collective impact of earthquake was the most devastating disaster in Haiti's history. It caused incalculable human and material losses, destroying much of Port-au-Prince, including poorly constructed dwellings common to Haitian shantytowns as well as better constructed residential, hospitals, banks and government buildings. The disaster worsened the precarious situation that hitherto existed before the earthquake. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere[1]where 80% of the population live below less than $2 per day, with only 50% of children having access to school, 90% of Haitians do not have running water and 80% lack adequate sanitation.
The American Red Cross (ARC), through its partner the Haitian Red Cross (HRC) has had a presence in Haiti since 2004, growing and diversifying its programming areas to support the most vulnerable Haitian population in an effort to reduce the effect of disaster, shock and stress. In the aftermath of the earthquake of the January 12, 2010, ARC became an active partner with HRC, IFRC and other international agencies to deliver life-saving emergency response programs for earthquake victims in camps. Four years after the devastating earthquake and in line with its strategic proirity, ARC is transitioned from response to recovery and longer-term programing with an emphasis on integrated approach to sustainable development, while supporting the Haitian Red Cross to build its own capacity.
ARC in consultation with HRC has jointly developed the North Community-Based Integrated Program (known in creole as "Gran No Pi Djanm" (GNPD) – "More resilient Greater North"). Following are the goals and objectives of the Program;
Goal: "Targeted communities in the North of Haiti have increased resilience, stronger capacity and reduced exposure to external shocks".
Pillar 1 Objective: HRC and local authorities have improved their organizational and technical capacity sufficient to support and manage program implementation
Pillar 2 Objective: Targeted communities and households have increased their resilience through improved knowledge, practices and assets
Pillar 3 Objective: Targeted communities have reduced their exposure to external shocks and local hazards through improved physical infrastructure and mitigation measures.
These Pillars will be achieved through a number of objectives and outcomes as detailed in section 2 below.
The Haitian Red Cross (HRC) implements the core programs of Gran No Pi Djamn i.e. Disaster risk reduction, health and hygiene with technical and financial support from ARC. ARC also works with local line ministries and other external partners to implement program components such as WatSan, Construction and livelihoods. The program which officially started in December 2012 is planned to be implemented through May, 2016 – a total duration of 3.6 years.
Note: Plase find the complete document attached.
How to apply:
1.1. Application procedures
Interested individual candidates or evaluation firms should send their applications Please put the following in the subject line: "Application for GNPD Mid Term Evaluation - Local Consultant /and or Lead Consultant". The position(s) is open to both qualified national and international consultants, except where specifically "local consultant" is stated. Joint application of Lead and local consultant or a firm as well as individual interested in specific position can apply.
A complete application will be one with all materials listed above in one single file in either Word or PDF format. The title of this file should be the last name of the Evaluator (e.g. if the Evaluator is named Jon Snow, the title of the application document should be "Snow".).
Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
1.2. Deadline for applications
11:59PM EST, 5 September 2014

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