Friday, June 27, 2014

Photographer Part-Time

Photographer Part-Time
The USAID-Feed the Future Processing and Consumption Project—popularly known as Tuboreshe Chakula (TC)—works to transform a critical segment of Tanzania's agro-processing industry and dramatically increase the supply of and demand for nutritious, fortified foods, especially among vulnerable populations in the food-insecure regions of Morogoro, Dodoma and Manyara.The project seeks a professional photographer in order to better illustrate the activities taking place.Previously, many pictures have been taken with poor lighting or composition, so TC is looking for more professional photos to use in success stories, reports, posters, brochures, and social media.TC is looking for a photographer to be available on an as-needed basis to provide the work detailed below.
Location and Time:
This position will be based in Tanzania and include travel to all of TC's field project offices- Manyara Region, Dodoma Region and Morogoro Region.The photographer will need to spend approximately a week in each region, including travel time.
The photographer will often have to shoot in dark and dusty environments and should have the equipment to operate in that setting.
Highlight TC's successes and work to-date through photographing key clients, beneficiaries and project activities.
Plan with TC's Communications Specialist and other staff the trip route and which pictures are needed.
Travel to field sites:
·         Use artistic creativity and photography skills to express the story that the project is trying to tell.
·         Direct and implement a photo shoot of a client, location or machine.
·         Edit photos so they are clear and capture the project work in the best and most beautiful way.
·         Organize photos by date and location into a soft copy database that TC can easily navigate that will be given to the project at the end of the work period.

If you are interested in providing this work, please send resume, examples of work, and 3 references to Brienne Blacklidge at

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