Saturday, June 21, 2014

Member, Inspection Panel at The World Bank

Member, Inspection Panel at The World Bank
The World Bank is inviting applications and nominations for the position of Inspection Panel Member.
Background & General Description
The Inspection Panel is an independent forum established by the Executive Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (Resolution No. 93-10) and the International Development Association (IDA) (Resolution No. 93-6), both adoptions collectively referred to as the Resolution. Detailed information is available by logging in the Inspection Panel web site
The role of the Panel is to carry out independent investigations into whether the Bank has complied with its policies and procedures. The Panel reports to the Board of Executive Directors. Its function is triggered by a Request for Inspection from people affected by a World Bank-financed project. The Panel, after receiving Management's Response to the Request, independently assesses whether the criteria for an Inspection have been met and then recommends to the Board of Executive Directors whether or not the matters complained of should be investigated. If the Board approves a recommendation to investigate, the Panel will engage in research and fact-finding and provide its findings, independent assessment and conclusions to the Board. Management will submit to the Executive Directors for their consideration a report indicating its recommendations in response to such findings. All reports are made public.
The Resolution provides that the Panel shall consist of three members of different nationalities from Bank member countries. In the selection process, due regard will be paid to ensure continued balance and representation from Bank member countries. The Chairperson of the Panel shall work on a full-time basis at Bank Headquarters and members of the Panel are expected to work on a part-time basis or on a full-time basis when their workload justifies such an arrangement. The Inspection Panel members elect their Chairperson from amongst themselves.
Duties and Accountabilities
The Panel Members are responsible for the general operations of the Panel, and for carrying out the Panel responsibilities according to its mandate. As Panel Member, you will participate in actions and decision-making of the Panel in processing Requests for Inspection, including among other things: to independently assess whether the criteria for an Inspection have been met; to recommend to the Board of Executive Directors whether or not the matters complained of should be investigated; if the Board approves a recommendation to investigate, to engage in research, fact-finding and an independent investigation of whether the Bank has complied with its operational policies and procedures; and to prepare and provide the Panel's findings, independent assessment and conclusions to the Board. Your duties will also include field visits and outreach activities as relevant to the Panel's work and responsibilities.
Selection Criteria
  • Minimum of 15 years of significant and relevant practical experience and educational background in economic, legal, social, environmental, or other development-related fields.
  • Outstanding credentials in his or her individual field of expertise, demonstrated sound judgment and strong analytic skills.
  • Established track record of performance working with multi-sector and complex development issues.
  • Proven ability to deal thoroughly and fairly with requests across a broad range of stakeholders.
  • Demonstrated integrity and ability to remain independent, including from Bank Management, in the exercise of his or her duties.
  • Exposure to development issues and to living conditions in developing countries as well as ability to engage and build rapport and trust with stakeholders around various and complex issues.
  • Hands-on experience working in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, both as a team leader and member, with demonstrated flexibility to adapt to shifting workload.
  • Ability to communicate and interact effectively with civil society and local communities, governments, the World Bank, and other international organizations. 
  • Knowledge of and experience relating to the operations of the World Bank or similar institutions.
  • Ability and willingness to travel to developing countries, including rural areas.
The following conditions are specific to this position:
  • Term of Appointment for a Panel member is 5 years.
  • No one who has worked in the World Bank Group in any capacity may be considered for a position on the Panel until two years have elapsed since the end of their service in the World Bank Group.
  • Members of the Inspection Panel have a special responsibility to avoid situations and activities that might lead to real or apparent conflicts of interest.  In addition, they may not be employed by the World Bank Group following the end of their service on the Panel.
How to apply
A full position description will be sent upon receipt of nominations or expressions of interest to Derek Wilkinson at
Further information on the Panel's activities can be found on the Panel's website,
Deadline for applications is July 6, 2014.
The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background.  Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.  All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.  

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