Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lead Researcher - Promoting inclusive, accountable and legitimate political settlements in Africa

Lead Researcher - Promoting inclusive, accountable and legitimate political settlements in Africa
The case study of security provision in Kenya and South Sudan
Saferworld is an international non-governmental organisation working to prevent violent conflict and help build safer lives. We work with people affected by conflict to strengthen national and international policies and practices so that they help build lasting peace. Saferworld works in Africa, South Asia, Central Asia, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa. Its headquarters are in London and it has regional offices in Nairobi and Kampala.
Local Capacities for Peace International
Local Capacities for Peace International (LCPI) is a non-governmental organisation registered in Kenya in 2005. It seeks to promote and strengthen participatory conflict sensitive programming, and to consolidate and sustain the best practices and lessons learnt from the implementation of the Local Capacities for Peace Project in the Horn of Africa. The main purpose is to promote, advocate and create awareness on the need for conflict sensitivity in peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development interventions at community, regional state, state and international levels with the theme of 'DO NO HARM'. LCPI has four core program areas around which its approaches are defined: conflict sensitivity, peacebuilding and conflict transformation, socio-economic transformation and advisory services.
Saferworld and LCPI have entered a partnership to undertake research on promoting inclusive, accountable and legitimate political settlements in Africa. A summary of the research project and requirements for the role are outlined below:
Research Project Summary
This research project seeks to provide Kenyan and South Sudanese perspectives on a critical but often overlooked element of peacebuilding and statebuilding, namely the role of national security reform and security provision in political settlements. The study will look into the Kenya Nation 2008 Accord and Sudan 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The two political settlements were implemented with different results on peace and security for the citizenry in the two countries. The research intends to investigate and respond to questions about the type of security regime established by the agreements and their impacts on the two countries.
Ov****erall Project Objective
To contribute to knowledge about the establishment of accountable, inclusive and legitimate security regimes through political agreements designed to end civil war.
Specific Objectives
· To generate knowledge on experiences of integrating security and security sector reforms into political settlements
· To identify the factors that have shaped implementation of security provisions and reforms established in Sudan's CPA and Kenya's National Accord.
· To share lessons from the cases of Kenya and Sudan that will contribute to the development of effective political settlements in other parts of Africa
Scope of Work
Saferworld and LCPI seek to engage a researcher for a period of 12 months to lead and coordinate the research process. The lead researcher will work with the research team from Saferworld and LCPI and closely with the project leader, the research advisor and the Research Advisory Group in conducting the research. The research will be undertaken through primary and secondary data collection. Specifically, the lead researcher is required to:
1. Methodology development and research preparation
§ In collaboration with the research team and Research Advisory Group, develop a detailed research methodology, including conceptual framework, research questions, purpose and hypotheses, research sites and populations, data sources, and participatory methods for engaging sampled research groups in data collection.
§ With support from the research team and the Research Advisory Group, oversee systematic and extensive literature review on key thematic research areas pointing out strengths, weakness and information gap within the context of political settlements.
§ Train the research team on research methodology and data collection process and take other measures to ensure good quality and ethical research.
§ In collaboration with the research team and the Research Advisory Group, develop guidelines and measures to ensure research integrity and ethics throughout the research.
§ Participate in stakeholder analysis at the regional, national and local levels in order to identify research participants, targets for dissemination and shape policy recommendations.
§ Coordinate and participate in field data collection in four predetermined research sites
depending on the unique sites' needs.
2. Analysis and writing
§ Support data analysis, identification of research findings and preparation of a comprehensive research report on findings and key recommendations, in collaboration with the research team and the Research Advisory Group
§ Guide the development of policy briefs based on research findings and support dissemination and communications work.
Qualifications and Experience Required
§ A masters degree in peace and conflict studies, political science, sociology or other relevant social science discipline (doctorate qualification will be an added advantage)
§ At least five years professional experience in research design and implementation, with
particular knowledge of case study research and participatory research approaches.
§ A relevant publications record (preferably proof of some peer reviewed published work)
§ Knowledge of theoretical and international policy debates linked to conflict resolution, civil wars and peace processes and a solid understanding of recent Kenyan and South Sudanese political and conflict history.
§ Experience of devising targeted, evidence-based policy recommendations and leading the development of relevant policy analysis for publication.
§ Ability to work independently with strong sense of initiative, discipline and self-motivation
§ Knowledge of relevant guidelines and processes for ensuring ethics and integrity during research (e.g., a challenging environment and sensitive issues).
§ Experience of working with and interviewing high level government contacts, NGOs and local communities during research processes
§ Fluency in oral and written English and Swahili.
§ Competence in qualitative and quantitative data analysis
Duration of the Contract
This contract is for a period of one year and will be subjected to review at the end of this period.
How to apply:
To apply for the role please send a CV and covering letter to 9 June 2014. Please also include in your application two samples of your published works, and should be a maximum of 2000 words.

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