Tuesday, June 10, 2014

EU-Japan Fellowship 2014

EU-Japan Fellowship 2014
6-months fellowship at the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation in Tokyo, japan to support its research and policy analysis of EU-Japan economic and industrial issues.
Current research topics:
  • Situation SWOT Analysis of EU-Japan industrial, Trade and Business Cooperation
  • Japanese Nanotech Cluster and Industry Landscape
  • Solar PV Market and Industry in Japan – Opportunities for European SMEs
This fellowship is addressed to EU and Japanese professionals (trade and economic analysts, academics, scientists, civil servants) with a proven interest in Japan and EU-Japan cooperation from multiple perspectives (trade/market access, industrial policy issues, R&D, etc...).
Minimum requirements: EU or Japanese citizenship, university degree, strong interest and motivation in Japan and EU-Japan relations.
The following elements will constitute an advantage in the selection process: previous professional experience with Japan, an already advanced study/research on one of the priority topics, Japanese language abilities.
The fellowship is worth 1700 EUR/month (paid in JPY) and covers a period of 6 months:
The fellowship is expected to cover basic daily expenses and accommodation in Tokyo. A Research Fellow selected from outside Japan will receive an additional travel subsidy of up to 1000 EUR.
The candidates should specify the slot for which they are applying.
Application documents to be submitted: CV, Cover Letter, Research Topic-Research Plan (1-2 A4 pages). The application materials and eventual requests for clarification should be sent to the following address:minerva@eu-japan.gr.jp
Deadline for Applications:
October 2014- March 2015 slot --> deadline to apply: 15 July 2014


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