Monday, September 2, 2013

Education Specialist , International Youth Foundation (IYF)

Education Specialist , International Youth Foundation (IYF) Department of Labor / Bureau of International Labor Affairs

African Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative in Uganda (AYEDI)


The International Youth Foundation (IYF) invests in the extraordinary potential of young people. Founded in 1990, IYF builds and maintains a worldwide community of businesses, governments, and civil society organizations committed to empowering youth to be healthy, productive, and engaged citizens. IYF programs are catalysts for change that help young people obtain a quality education, gain employability skills, make healthy choices, and improve their communities. To learn more visit


Supported by the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), if selected, IYF will manage a $3 million cooperative agreement to support efforts in Uganda (in up to 19 focus districts: Amuru, Bugiri, Bushenyi, Dokolo, Gulu, Ibanda, Iganga, Isingiro, Kamuli, Kamwenge, Kapchowra, Kasese, Lira, Luwero, Mayuge, Mbale, Pader, Oyam, and Sironko) to address exploitative child labor among youth (ages 15 to 18) by helping them develop marketable skills to secure decent work and serve as civic leaders in their communities. The project will also seek to enhance livelihoods for youth and their households, support civic engagement by youth and encourage youth to take on leadership roles within their communities. This project is intended to serve as a pilot youth empowerment and development initiative that could be replicated in other African countries. The duration of the project is four (4) years. The project start date will be no later than December 31, 2013. IYF is seeking an Education Specialist to support this new project. Hiring for this position will be contingent upon IYF securing funding from USDOL for this activity and USDOL's approval of the candidate for this position. This position is a local hire position and Ugandan nationals are encouraged to apply.


• Leads the strategy design and implementation of activities focusing on the promotion of education opportunities for youth between the ages of 15 to 18.
• Leads the capacity building efforts for youth serving institutions in targeted districts who provide educational services to youth vulnerable to or engaged in child labor.
• Develops strategies for promoting access to and continued enrollment, retention, and completion of formal and non-formal education programs and vocational training programs for youth between the ages of 15 and 18 years.
• Manages activities that integrate working and out-of-school children and youth into a quality education (formal or non-formal) or vocational training program.
• Manage the provision of tutoring, scholarships and support services to youth targeted by the program to complete primary or secondary school.
• Develops and/or strengthens partnerships with academic institutions including technical colleges and training institutes that provide vocational and other training opportunities for youth.
• Actively promotes and secures the commitment and ownership of government and other local stakeholders for education services in order to enhance the likelihood that effective services or models will continue beyond the life of the project.
• Responsible for developing or adapting training curricula as needed.
• Contribute to the development of periodic or annual reports and workplans as scheduled by the Project Director.

SUPERVISOR: Supervised by the Project Director


• Minimum of three years of experience in a leadership position responsible for developing education interventions and the technical aspects related to the project, including student assessment, teacher training, educational materials/curriculum development, educational management, and educational monitoring and information systems, as applicable. Experience on a USDOL-funded project strongly preferred.
• Experience in basic and secondary education projects.
• Understanding of child labor issues, including special educational needs of youth removed from child labor when they enter/return to school.
• Experience working with vulnerable children and their households, preferably in Uganda.
• Experience working successfully with Ministries of Education and other government agencies, networks of educators, employers' organizations, and trade unions or comparable entities.
• Must be proficient in both written and spoken English language. Knowledge of local languages preferred. 
• Experience working in the targeted districts in Uganda.
• Demonstrate an understanding of Uganda's education policies; formal, non-formal, and vocational education systems and programs; and the populations that they are meant to serve.
• Strong knowledge of the Ugandan youth context.



Please submit the following documents in English by September 6, 2013 via email to with "Uganda DOL-ES - Your Name" in the subject line:

1. Completed IYF Field Office Application for Employment 
2. Completed Employee Biographical Data Sheet (available at
3. Cover Letter
4. Resume

Ugandan nationals are encouraged to apply. 

The International Youth Foundation is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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