Wednesday, November 7, 2012

ACTED GIS Officer - South Sudan

Department: Programme
Position: GIS Officer Contract duration: 6 months renewable Location: Republic of South Sudan, Juba Starting Date: January 2013
I. Background on ACTED
ACTED is an independent international, private, non-partisan and non-profit organization that operates according to principles of strict neutrality, political and religious impartiality, and non discrimination.
ACTED was created in 1993 to support populations affected by the conflict in Afghanistan. Based in Paris, France, ACTED now operates in 30 countries worldwide, with over 200 international and 3000 national staff. ACTED has a 100 million € budget for over 350 projects spanning 8 sectors of intervention; including emergency relief, food security, health promotion, economic development, education & training, microfinance, local governance & institutional support, and cultural promotion. For more information, please visit our website at
II. Country Profile
Capital Office : Juba National Staff : 136 International Staff : 28 Areas : 10 On-going programmes : 8 Budget : 2.9 M €
In 2012, ACTED has undertaken an expansion of activities in South Sudan. A Juba level coordination office was opened in 2011, and in 2012 the capital office has expanded to provide additional support to our field offices that opened in Bentiu, Unity State, and Malakal, Upper Nile State. The rapidly changing situation in South Sudan over the past months has led ACTED to up-scale its emergency response capacities, while also continuing to provide basic services in the traditional areas of intervention. Since January 2012, ACTED has been providing refugee and IDP assistance in Unity and Upper Nile states. In Maban County, this assistance has focused on the life-saving assistance to refugees from Blue Nile State, Sudan. ACTED as camp manager for Jamam refugee camp has strived to provide the basic needs for the population including shelter, waste management, livelihoods, and construction of community infrastructures. Additionally, ACTED has responded to the new refugee influx in May with the provision of shelter and emergency latrines at transit sites while providing transportation assistance to refugees relocating to permanent settlements. In Unity state, ACTED has focused on the provision of livelihoods assistance to refugees in Nyeel and Pariang refugee camps. ACTED also continues to build on its traditional areas of intervention, focusing on food security and livelihoods in Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap, and water, sanitation and hygiene in both states as well. Tonj North in Warrap was also a new area for ACTED where a Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) project is being implemented in the underserved area. All of these interventions continue to provide both basic and live-saving assistance to vulnerable populations throughout South Sudan.
III. Position Profile
The GIS Officer reports directly to AMEU Coordinator
GIS Officer responsibilities include:
  1. General • Preparation, conception and production of maps, including the supervision and monitoring of mapping-related data collection and ensuring dynamic linkages between GIS data and ACTED Database; • Co-developing GIS components in proposals and supervising the implementation of these GIS components in approved projects; • Train the AMEU team on usage of maps and GPS; • Represent ACTED in GIS related coordination meetings.
  2. Preparation, conception and production of maps • Identify map information needs; • Identify and access map information sources; • Work closely with the Database Manager to ensure an accurate link between the GIS and the Database data, cross check data collected in the field and to develop dynamic links between Database and GIS data and to ensure regular updates and solve eventual discrepancies; • Ensures that the produced maps meet the requirements of concerned ACTED departments.
  3. C. Supervision and monitoring of mapping related data • Conceptualize methodologies for collecting GPS and other GIS related data, as according to need; • Organize and supervise GIS field missions; • Managing and supervising the GIS assistant and the staff on the GIS; • Monitor accuracy of data collected.
IV. Qualifications:
  • Flexibility and adaptability are essential, as well as the ability to plan, take initiative and organize work independently. In addition Impartiality, objectivity and confidentiality are imperative;
  • Good command of GIS software (especially those used by ACTED), Excel, Word and Database software such as Access or Foxpro. Familiarity with other information and data sources related to GIS to be recommended to ACTED for better GIS practices would be an asset.
  • Understanding the nature of the work carried out by programs is necessary for ensuring the relevancy and usability of the maps produced. Therefore a proactive and self-motivated attitude towards gaining a good understanding of ACTED programs, innovating GIS activities and developing new GIS components for proposals is essential;
  • Willingness to learn and capacity to innovate: The GIS Manager must be inventive and eager to improve his or her own skills, and be capable to adapt, shape and develop tools best suited for ACTED's activities
  • Ability to travel to the field for data collection, cross-checking the data and provide training to field staff;
  • Good organizational and communication skills with international and national staff and rural communities.
V. Conditions:
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organisation's guesthouse/or housing allowance (depending on contract length and country of assignment)
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance + retirement package
How to apply: 
VI. Submission of applications:
Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to Ref : GISO/SSUD/SA
ACTED Att: Human Resources Department 33, rue Godot de Mauroy 75009 Paris FRANCE
Fax. + 33 (0) 1 42 65 33 46
For more information, visit us at

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