Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Branch Manager FINCA Tanzania

Areas: Arusha, Dar Es Salaam, Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro, Mwanza, Tanga

Application Deadline: Nov 30, 2012 

The Branch Manager is a senior member of the Operation Department.  As such, s/he participates actively in regular Branch Manager's management meetings with the Chief Operations Officer, and leads meetings at the Branch office. As senior manager in charge of a Branch office, s/he is responsible for all aspects of the Branch office's loan delivery and customer service and processes, Human Resources Management, plans, and controls as well as the to oversee the overall security of the region.
 Role: To design and supervise the implementation of the Branch business plans in line with the organisational objectives.
 1)            Key Responsibility Areas

  1. To Plan, Monitor and implement the disbursement processes as per set disbursement standards mainly focusing on quick service delivery and efficiency.
  2. Plan and Monitor portfolio growth, quality and outreach as per Branch targets.
  3. Compile, Analyze and provide weekly, monthly and quarterly reports to the Head Office as per Branch reporting requirements.
  4. To Monitor and evaluate the work of the Supervisors as per the Human Resource Manual.
  5. To monitor and implement staff adherence to policies and procedures in line with the credit, savings and Human Resource Manuals.
  6. To Identify, assess, monitor and respond to customer concerns through use of the Standard customer care survey tools.
  7. To carry out administrative roles with regard to operational activities as per set administrative policies and procedures.

2)            Major Activities:
         Maintain and promote the image of FINCA Tanzania.
  1. Expand and increase the clientele base and business volume of the Branch office.
  2. Supervise the day-to-day operations of the Branch office.
  3. Supervise and effect quality service delivery within the Branch with minimum turn around time.
  4. Mentor and manage staff in accordance to the policies and procedures.
  5. Ensure all controls are adhered to at the Branch office.
  6. Check all village bank inaugurations and disbursements to ensure that regulations and requirements are adhered to in processing and disbursement of loans.
  7. Increase the organizations profitability by maintaining a high portfolio quality and ensuring that all loans are recovered.

3)         Qualifications

  1. A University Degree preferably in Commerce and Management (B.Com), Business Administration (BBA) or Banking. MBA is an added advantage.
  2. At least 3 years Credit Supervisor or Accountant work experience in a recognized Micro Finance Institution or Commercial Bank.
  3. Ability to manage and motivate staff.
  4. A sound knowledge of Micro Finance, principles and practices of banking.
  5. Computer Literacy

4)         Key Responsibilities

  1. Internally – with all staff at the Branch office on the day-to-day operations relating to managing, advising and motivating them.
  2. Internally – with all staff at the head office and other Branch offices.
  3. Externally – with customers on a day-to-day basis relating to quality of services and effecting payments, company Legal Counsel for legal advice and commercial banks to ensure FINCATanzania and its customers are getting a good service.

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