Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nafasi Mbalimbali za Kazi kutoka UTUMISHI

1. Job Title : Planning Officer I - Moshi

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : Bachelor Degree in either Economics or Educational Planning or any relevant field with at least three (3) years working experience plus ICT Skills.

Masters Degree will be an added advantage.

Job Description : Estimating total costs of running projects including capital expenditure and estimated revenue.

Reviewing plan performance annually.

Reviewing annual plans while keeping the long-term plan perspective

Analyzing, interpreting and disseminating statistical information on the performance of MUCCoBS projects

2. Job Title : Accountant I

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements :  Degree or Advanced Diploma in Accounting, Finance, or Commerce (majoring finance or accountancy) with experience of at least three (3) years in that field plus ICT Skills.

Masters Degree or Postgraduate qualification will be an added advantage.

Job Description : Preparing monthly salaries and related returns

Custodian of accounting documents

Preparing trial balance

Approving payments

Preparing preliminary Trial Balance information

Writing books of original entry.

Replying audit queries

Checking the invoices related to the purchases office utilities.

3. Job Title : Procurement Officer II

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements :  Bachelor Degree in Procurement and Logistic Management, Materials Management or Advanced Diploma in Materials Management plus ICT Skills.

Job Description : Processing purchasing or supply of given lines of goods.

Processing purchase requisitions.

Writing issue notes and Good Received Notes

Processing purchase requisitions.

Assisting in writing issue notes and Good Received Notes

Arranging for physical placement of goods.

Arranging packing and deliveries

4. Job Title : Assistant Nursing Officer II - 3 Posts

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : Two years Diploma in Nursing from recognized College and enrolled with the Board of Nurses and Midwives of Tanzania

Job Description :Providing nursing services

Collecting important health statistics

Directing and supervising nurses under him/her

Providing prevention and maternal services

Educating patients and the community at large in respect of their health problems

Undertaking any other tasks related to his general education, experience and expertise to be assigned by his/her superior.

5. Job Title : Estate Management and Environment Officer I - Moshi

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements :  Bachelor Degree in either Estates Management, Environmental Engineering, Architecture, Building Economics, Civil Engineering and Land Use Management and Evaluation or related field from a recognized Institution with experience of at least three (3) years plus ICT Skills.

Job Description : Supervising maintenance and cleaning of campus grounds and drainage systems.

Participating in drawing-up short and long term programmes for the general improvement of the landscaping of the campus grounds and drainage systems.

Keeping and maintaining relevant equipment in good working order.

Performing any other duties as may be assigned by ones reporting officer.

6.Job Title : Accountant II

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : Degree or Advanced Diploma in Accounting, Finance, or Banking, and Commerce plus ICT Skills.

Job Description :Maintaining primary books of Accounts.

Preparing payments.

Preparing monthly reports on revenue and expenditures

Preparing payment schedules.

Maintaining various accounting ledgers

Writing receipts, vouchers and cheques

7. Job Title : Clinical Officer I - 2 Posts - Moshi & Kizumbi Shinyanga

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : Diploma in Clinical Medicine with at least three (3) years working experience plus ICT Skills.

Job Description : Following-up admitted patients.

Organising programmes for prevention of diseases.

Assisting in conducting seminars and workshops on public health.

Counseling patients.

Assisting in stocking and storage of special medicines.

8. Job Title : Assistant Lecturer - 2 Posts - Mwanza & Dodoma Regional Centres.

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : Masters Degree in relevant functional area of Sociology, Cooperative Management and Accounting, Community Development or Rural Development and must have obtained an upper second class having a minimum GPA of 3.5 in first degree from a recognized higher learning Institution.

Job Description : Conducting lectures 2

Preparing case studies

Assisting in tutorials and seminars

Working in co-operation with senior members on specific projects.

Supervising students.

9. Job Title :  Legal Officer I - Moshi

Source : Public Service Recruitment Secretariat

Requirements : LLB degree and must have completed the internship period with relevant working experience of at least three (3) years. Possession of Postgraduate qualifications will be an added advantage.

Job Description : Attending legal matters on behalf of the University College

Advising the Management on Legal matters.

Apply To all above to : Secretary

Full Address : Secretary, Public Service Recruitment Secretariat,

P.O. Box 63100,

Dar es Salaam

Closing Date : 19/Mar/2012

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